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作者(外文):Ou, Yi-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The effects of electrical stimulations on neurite outgrowth of goldfish retinal explants
指導教授(外文):Chiao, Chuan-Chin
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:142
  • 評分評分:*****
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Central nervous system (CNS) in adult mammals loses the ability to regenerate after injury. Although electrical stimulation (ES) has been shown to promote neural regeneration, the underlying mechanisms of how ES enhances CNS regeneration remain elusive. The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of ES waveforms on neurite outgrowth of goldfish retinal explants and to elucidate possible cellular mechanisms responsible for the observed ES effects. When the retinal explants were stimulated for one hour with intermittent pulses at Day 1, the regenerated neurite length was significantly increased compared to those stimulated with continuous square waves or continuous pulses on the same day. We also demonstrated that ES could induce calcium influx through voltage gated calcium channels, and the enhancement of neurite outgrowth after ES application was reduced by protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor. Moreover, we found that Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) did not further facilitate the ES effect, and ES alone did not rescue neurite outgrowth reduced by inactivating IGF-I receptors. These results suggest that intermittent pulse ES promotes neurite regeneration most effectively in goldfish retinal explants, and ES enhances neurite outgrowth by activating PKC and IGF-I via calcium influx through voltage gated calcium channels.
Abstract i
摘要 ii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Axon regeneration in the mammalian central nervous system 1
1.2 The effects of electrical stimulation on nervous system regeneration 2
1.3 Molecular mechanisms of electrical stimulation in regenerating neurons 5
1.4 Axon regeneration in the goldfish visual system 7
1.5 Goals and approaches 8
2. Materials and Methods 9
2.1 Animals and optic nerve crush 9
2.2 Culture of retinal explants 9
2.3 Electrical stimulation 10
2.4 Image acqusition and data analysis 11
3. Results 12
3.1 Neurite outgrowth in goldfish retinal explants was normal in ITO conductive devices 12
3.2 Electrical stimulation significantly enhanced neurite outgrowth in goldfish retinal explants 12
3.3 The strength and repetitiveness of electrical stimulation increased and sustained neurite outgrowth in goldfish retinal explants, respectively 13
3.4 Electrical stimulation with intermittent pulses further promoted neurite outgrowth in goldfish retinal explants 13
3.5 Electrical stimulation induced calcium influx through voltage gated calcium channels to promote neurite outgrowth in goldfish retinal explants 14
3.6 Protein kinase C inhibitor reduced neurite outgrowth promoted by electrical stimulation in goldfish retinal explants 15
3.7 Insulin-like growth factor I did not further enhance neurite outgrowth promoted by electrical stimulation in goldfish retinal explants 15
4. Discussion 17
4.1 The waveform of electrical stimulation is a key factor in enhancing neurite outgrowth in goldfish retinal explants 17
4.2 The enhancement of neurite outgrowth by electrical stimulation is likely resulting from calcium influx through voltage gated calcium channels and activation of Protein kinase C and Insulin-like growth factor I 20
5. References 22
6. Figures 28
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