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作者(外文):Tsou, Erh Yeh
論文名稱(外文):The Research and Development of a Novel Biodegradable Film – Material Synthesis and Film Making Processes
指導教授(外文):Liu, Ta Jo
外文關鍵詞:waste glycerolbiodegradable filmsolvent casting
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因應石油耗竭與不可分解塑膠帶來的環境負擔,為求永續發展,生物可分解材料的發展勢在必行。當前的生物可分解材料多為利用玉米、小麥等糧食作物為原料,其原料成本高昂價格居高不下。本研究以生質柴油之副產物─ 廢甘油及各型二酸類材料如癸二酸、己二酸、馬來酸與草酸等為原料,合成並製作成本低廉並合於市場需求之生物可分解膜。研究初步結果顯示,各型二酸均可與甘油反應並製作生物可分解膜材,但物性不盡相同,以馬來酸與甘油合成之材料表現較為理想。
本研究同時進行了水解剝膜之實驗,以各型水溶性材料如聚乙烯醇 (polyvinyl alcohol,PVA) 、蔗糖、玉米糖漿 (corn syrup) 與羧甲基纖維素 (carboxymethyl cellulose,CMC) 進行試驗,結果顯示以 CMC 作為輔助剝膜之離型層效果最佳。本研究以自行合成之生物可分解材料,利用狹縫式塗佈與溶劑鑄膜技術,輔以水溶性離型層之概念,已可順利製備韌性極佳之透明生物可分解膜材。此外,本研究利用原料馬來酸所含之雙鍵,導入 UV 光交聯製程提速,開啟了生物可分解膜材量產之可行性。未來將可進一步經由調控 UV 光交聯製程參數來調整膜材之物性。

The objective of the present study is to develop an inexpensive biodegradable film, which should have easy processability and acceptable mechanical strength. In the present study, glycerol was used as the raw material, which is the key to the development of cheaper biodegradable film since it is the byproduct of biodiesel. Many dicarboxylic acids were tested, including sebasic acid, oxalic acid, adipic acid, and maleic acid, by reacting with glycerol to make biodegradable materials. The preliminary results showed that the product of maleic acid reacting with glycerol performed best. Not only because it has better mechanical properties, but also the possibility to react through UV-curing process because of its double bond structure. The ability to combined thermo-curing and UV-curing process is crucial for mass production.
This study also examined the peeling process and the introduction of water soluble release layer. By comparing polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), sucrose, corn syrup, and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), this study found that CMC performed best. This study demonstrated that it was possible to use self-synthesized biodegradable materials combined with water soluble release layer and slot die coating technology, to produce a cheaper and tougher biodegradable film.

Keywords: waste glycerol, biodegradable film, solvent casting
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 X
一、 緒論 1
1-1 生物可分解材料簡介 1
1-2 高分子膜材製程簡介 4
1-3 研究動機 7
1-4 研究架構 8
二、 文獻回顧 9
2-1 生物可分解材料 9
2-2 Poly(glycerol sebacate) 合成與膜材製備 17
2-3 多元酸與多元醇之聚合 29
2-3-1多元酸與多元醇聚合之發展 29
2-3-2甘油與多元酸之聚合 31
2-4 溶劑鑄膜 34
2-4-1 濕式塗佈技術簡介 34
2-4-2 溶劑鑄膜技術簡介 35
三、 實驗部分 41
3-1 實驗材料 41
3-2 實驗設備 44
3-3 實驗步驟 55
3-3-1 材料合成 55
3-3-2 熱交聯製膜 56
3-3-3 UV 光交聯製膜 60
3-4 材料鑑定與分析方法 62
3-4-1 紅外線光譜儀 (infrared spectrometry,IR) 62
3-4-2 拉力測試 (tensile test) 62
3-4-3 耐候性測試 (weathering test) 63
四、 實驗結果與討論 64
4-1 剝膜製程 64
4-1-1 離型層與基材種類測試 66
4-1-2 剝膜製程之改進 72
4-1-3 高分子塗層厚度 78
4-2 全新生物可分解材料之合成 80
4-2-1 不同二元酸之材料測試 80
4-2-2 以溶劑鑄膜法製備 PGM 膜材 85
4-3 UV 光交聯製程之導入 99
4-3-1 UV 光交聯製程 99
4-3-2 熱交聯與 UV 光交聯製程之銜接 121
4-3-3 缺陷分析及統整 130
五、 結論與未來展望 135
5-1 膜材製程 135
5-2 製程加速 136
5-3 材料應用與物性調控 137
六、 參考文獻 139
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