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作者(外文):Ho, Chien-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Identification of regulators of MCP-1 expression in Familial Primary Cutaneous Amyloidosis
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Tsu-An
Margaret, Dah-Tsyr
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Tsu-An
Margaret, Dah-Tsyr
Tsai, Peter
Chou, Yu-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Familial Primary Cutaneous Amyloidosis (FPCA)amyloidosisprotein misfoldingIL-31 receptorIL-31RAMCP-1MEK1/2STAT1
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家族性原發性皮膚類澱粉沉積症 (Familial primary cutaneous amyloidosis, FPCA) 一種好發於東南亞及南美的慢性皮膚病,近年來已發現FPCA是由於角質細胞的IL-31 receptor-IL-31RA或oncostatin M receptor beta (OSMRb) subunit發生點突變而造成。一般皮膚角質細胞在受到IL-31的刺激時會促使MCP-1產生並吸引單核球及巨噬細胞來清除皮膚的細胞碎片,但當IL-31 receptor發生突變後,MCP-1的產生量會下降而導致細胞碎片無法清除,最後累積而造成皮膚類澱粉沉積的現象發生。FPCA現有的治療方法以塗抹外用類固醇 (corticosteroids) 及服用抗組織胺藥物為主,但病症大多有復發的情形。
在本篇研究中建立了以人類皮膚角質細胞 (HaCaT) 轉殖mutant IL-31RA的細胞株作為一個篩藥平台,用以找出可提升IL-31RA突變細胞株中MCP-1的藥物,進而達到改善家族性原發性皮膚類澱粉沉積症的目的,並進一步確認藥物的作用機制。
在藥物篩選結果發現MEK1/2 kinase inhibitor可提升IL-31RA突變細胞MCP-1產量。此外,上市的MEK1/2 kinase inhibitor, Trametinib, 也能夠提升IL-31RA突變細胞MCP-1產量;除了MCP-1產量以外,MCP-1 mRNA表現量在加入藥物後同樣有看到提升的現象。而MCP-1 promoter的轉錄因子之一- phospho-STAT1 (Tyr 701) 在加入藥物後,發現表現量有顯著增加的情形。
根據這些結果可推測藉由抑制MEK1/2的活性會增加phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) 的表現,phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) 作為transcription activator結合到MCP-1 promoter增加MCP-1 mRNA的表現量,進而提升IL-31RA突變細胞的MCP-1產量,顯示MEK1/2在調控IL-31RA突變細胞的MCP-1產量扮演著相當重要的角色,未來期待能更進一步研究MEK1/2與家族性原發型皮膚類澱粉沉積症的關聯性,也期待與現有療法搭配能更有助於疾病的改善與減少復發的情形
Primary cutaneous amyloidosis (PCA) is a chronic skin disease that most frequently occurs in Southeast Asia and South America. Based on the etiology, PCA can be classified into sporadic and familial types. Recently, mutations on IL-31RA or oncostatin M receptor β (OSMRβ) gene have been found to correlate with familial primary cutaneous amyloidosis (FPCA). MCP-1, upon induction by IL-31 can recruit monocytes/macrophages to clean the cell debris on the skin. However, when certain mutations occur in IL-31 receptor, the levels of MCP-1 would decrease, leading to the accumulation of cell debris on the surface of skin.
In this study, a cell-based drug screening system was established in which human keratinocyte cells (HaCaT) were transfected with mutant IL-31RA plasmid. In lieu of this system, several potential activators of MCP-1 in IL-31RA mutant cells were discovered. Subsequently, the underlying mechanism was explored.
Results from this study showed that the levels of MCP-1 were increased by MEK1/2 kinase inhibitors, PD 198306 or Trametinib. The expression levels of MCP-1 mRNA increased when the cells were treated with PD 198306. The expression levels phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701), one transcription factor of MCP-1 promoter, were also significantly increased when the HaCaT cells harboring mutant IL-31RA were treated with either MEK1/2 kinase inhibitors.
Overall, these results might suggest that inhibition of MEK1/2 activity might increase the expression levels of phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701). The phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) can act as a transcription activator and bind on MCP-1 promoter to enhance the transcription. Although the exact interplays between MEK1/2 and FPCA remains to be further investigated, this study indicate that MEK1/2 pathway may be a novel target for development of effective FPCA treatment.

Chapter1 文獻回顧
1.1 類澱粉沉積 (Amyloidosis)
1.2 原發性皮膚類澱粉沉積 (Primary Cutaneous Amyloidosis)
1.3 家族性原發型皮膚類澱粉沉積 (Familial primary cutaneous
1.4 老藥新用
1.5 尋找治療藥物的目的
Chapter2 材料與方法
2.1 材料與試劑
2.2 細胞株培養、繼代與特性分析
2.3 藥物篩選
2.3.1 細胞分盤與藥物處理
2.3.2 MCP-1蛋白定量-酵素聯結免疫吸附分析法 (ELISA)
2.3.3 MTS assay MTS assay介紹 MTS assay步驟
2.3.4 z-factor 計算
2.4 機制探討
2.4.1 即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應 (Real time PCR)
2.4.2 細胞蛋白質樣本製備
2.4.3 西方墨點法 (Western blot)
Chapter3 結果
3.1 細胞特性
3.1.1 HaCaT型態與特性分析
3.1.2 HaCaT各細胞株MCP-1分泌量
3.2 藥物篩選
3.2.1 ELISA靈敏度測試
3.2.2 初步篩選
3.2.3 再現性測試
3.3 機制探討
3.3.1 即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應 (Real time PCR)
3.3.2 西方墨點法 (Western blot)
Chapter4 討論
Chapter5 未來展望
Chapter6 圖片與表格
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