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論文名稱(外文):Engaging Rotary Club - an exceptional international social organization, Changing Lives
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企業社會責任(CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility)是企業承諾持續遵守道德規範,為經濟發展做出貢獻,並且改善員工及其家庭、當地整體社區、社會的生活品質。




Engaging Rotary Club - an exceptional international social organization, Changing Lives
Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is the corporation's commitment to contribute to the people, planet and profit in the quality of life of her employees and families, the local community and quality of the social environments, by steadily maintaining the moral ethics and the profits for economic development through responsible and sustainable approaches.
The concept of CSR is far from new in Taiwan. Through the joint efforts of corporations, consumers and media, more and more corporations in Taiwan are aware of that in addition to their own prosperity they are capable of serving as drive force through leadership toward decent social ethics and making most out of the ideal of "Grow self from the society first and feedback to society late on" by substantially and sustainably carrying out the CSR commitment.
Keyhon Technology Corp, founded and led by the author in 1985, has been specialized in developing and building high precision electrical device and products through in-house reverse-engineering R&D and the latest techniques introduced from overseas. Among all products the High-voltage UPS, created and built on our in-house R&D, set a milestone the field in Taiwan thanks to the strategic approach of steady dedications and sophisticated processes. And As so far this HV UPS is well accepted as the top expertise and precision system nationwide here in Taiwan and it won certification of technique excellence by Taipower Corp. Nowadays, Keyhon is among the top notched corporation list in terms of production scale and competing strength.
While attaining career goals, the writer often felt the urge: “Taking your life as a soccer game, you rely on strong second half in win. You spend the first half of your life running for personal success, as the Lesser Self; then the second half expanding and devoting to something much greater than yourself, as the Greater Self, to make your life a meaningful journey, by holding the zeal on continuing learning and taking the CSR enthusiastically.” Often than not the urge of transition arises in your late 40 something at this transition moments of your life you will experience bitter and sweet feelings about your strive, success and more. Years back, in reply to the urge, I decided not to drift on the troubling water of ups and downs; I had a clear picture that to me the peaceful retirement life was coming in merely 10 -15 years, also another picture that I was far from elderly, still full of vigor and creative mind, and the most vital point was that I could not imagine staying home killing time like other “elders” do. More precisely, for the coming primetime, I was determined to "doing something meaningful and best demonstrating who I am as a person, by honing up core competences and putting into practice my ideal of making the world a better place to live through devoting to the society thanks to the increasing 'beyond self-interests' motivation in my mind." So before long I made a choice - to join Rotary Club for 'engaging the exceptional international social organization, changing lives - by taking office of district leadership.

A corporation normally makes "contributions" to the society and communities through activities of her expertise in specific industrial sector, and her services. Social care, while being not the purpose of a business corporation, should be 'a must element' within 'the nature' of a meaningful entity no matter being a person or a business entity. The practice of Rotary services by Rotary Clubs in Taiwan is typically performing and making contributions to the communities quietly, in a low key, and all alone - making benevolence without raising the voice. Why? A misinterpretation taking 'social care activities' as "a show" for putting up the air. As a Rotarian I take it as a pride and one of a kind opportunity to address the said misinterpretation among people on Taiwan. Now as I am scheduled to take office of 2015-2016 District Governor for Rotary International District 3500, I am committed to advocate and promote the excellence in Rotary services by making the most out of what I have acquired in various expertise trainings and management knowledge at the EMBA program of NTHU, and making use of my core competencies such as Interpersonal Relationship, Public Relation, etc. and the very passion to Rotary Services. More specifically the goal of Engaging Rotary, Changing Lives" will be achieved and can be achieved by my two fold commitments - to fulfilling the CSR by delivering constructive feedbacks to the society more in Lesser Self role, and to achieve the objectives of advocating Rotary core values, promoting Rotary public image, offering Service above self, and maintaining Rotary heritage, through leadership and more in Great Self role.
第一章 緒論…………………………………...……………………………………1
第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………..……1
第二節 研究目的………………..……………..…………………………..……2
第三節 研究方法………………………..……..…………………………..……3
第二章 國際服務社團介紹…………………………………………..…..……..4

第三章 國際扶輪社…………………………………….……………… ………10
第一節 何謂扶輪?……………………………………………………………10
第三節 扶輪組織………………………………………..……….…………….18
第四節 扶輪的公共關係……………………………………………..………..19
1、 扶輪的公共形象……………………………………………………..19
第五節 五大服務與扶輪計劃…………………………………………………21
第六節 扶輪六大焦點領域說明與目標………………………………………22
第四章 扶輪基金會……………………………………….…………………..24
第一節 扶輪基金會簡介………………………………….……………...……24
第二節 扶輪基金會未來願景計劃……………………………………………24
第三節 教育計劃………………..……………………………….…..………...25
第四節 扶輪基金會的獎助金……………………………………….….……..25
第五節 基金發展………………………………………………………………26
第六節 扶輪社員可對三個基金捐獻…………………………………..……..26
第七節 扶輪基金會歷史………………………………………………………28
第五章 國際扶輪現況(RI Status)………….………….……….…………….29
第一節 Membership(社員)……………………………………….……………31
第二節 Financials(財務報告)…………………………………………….……36
第三節 ERADICATING POLIO(根除小兒麻痺)……………………….……41
第六章 結論與建議……………………………………………………………..47
第一節 扶輪創新………………………………………………………………47
第二節 參與扶輪,改變人生…………………………………………………50
第三節 扶輪人的價值…………………………………………………………51
﹝ 1﹞國際扶輪現況(RI Status)2012-13 Rotary International audited financial statements
﹝ 2﹞Financials https://www.rotary.org/en/document/661
﹝ 3﹞國際扶輪社http://www.ritrca.com.tw/tag/AboutUs
﹝ 4﹞國際扶輪社http://www.ocac.gov.tw/OCAC/SubSites/Pages/Detail.aspx?site=12c87496-80fe-4a12-8503-2f8fbbdb8c09&nodeid=938&pid=13279
﹝ 5﹞國際獅子會http://www.lionsclubs.org.tw/1314/
﹝ 6﹞國際同濟會http://www.kiwanis.org.tw/index.asp
﹝ 7﹞國際青年商會http://www.taiwanjc.org.tw/
﹝ 8﹞扶輪六大焦點領域說明與目標
﹝ 9﹞國際扶輪現況(RI Status)
﹝10﹞國際扶輪現況(RI Status)
﹝11﹞國際扶輪現況(RI Status) https://www.rotary.org/en/financials

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