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論文名稱(外文):Finding Maximal Quasi-Cliques for a Target Vertex in a Graph
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In real world, many applications such as social networks and biological networks can be modeled as graphs. Discovering dense sub-graphs from these graphs is an interesting study. Quasi-cliques are a type of dense graphs, which are close to the complete graphs. In this thesis, we want to find all of the maximal quasi-cliques for a target vertex in a graph. The maximal quasi-clique represents that the vertices in a quasi-clique are not totally contained by another quasi-clique. We propose an algorithm to solve this problem and use several pruning techniques to improve the performance. Moreover, we propose another algorithm to solve a special case of this problem, .i.e. finding the cliques. The experiment results reveal that our method outperforms the previous work both in real and synthetic datasets in most cases.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Figures
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
3 Preliminaries
4 Approaches to finding all maximal quasi-cliques for a target vertex
4.1 Quick Algorithm.
4.2 Target-Extending Algorithm
4.3 Special case
4.3.1 Target-Clique Algorithm
5 Performance Evaluations
5.1 Experiment Setup
5.2 Experiment Results
6 Conclusions
7 Future works
7.1 In weighted network graphs
7.2 Multiple target vertices
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