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作者(外文):Wang, Szuping
論文名稱(外文):Fair Spectrum Assignment Game in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Ming Jer
口試委員(外文):Chao, Hsi-Lu
Liu, Bing-Hong
外文關鍵詞:Heterogeneous Cellular NetworksSmall CellSpectrum AssignmentGame Theory
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  • 評分評分:*****
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隨著智慧型手機普及,穿戴式裝置也將掀起新一股風潮,而必須透過蜂巢式網路(或稱行動通訊網路,Cellular Networks)傳輸資料的需求也就隨之成指數型增長。而小型基地台(Small Cells)的誕生,被視為是用以紓解此一大量需求的一帖良藥。然而,關於小型基地台在頻段上的分配要如何進行,近年來的研究論文主要在於追求最大的傳輸容量(capacity)為主,忽略了蜂巢式網路中很重要的公平機制問題。因此,本論文提出基於賽局理論所發展出的分散式演算法,稱為公平式頻段分配賽局(Fair Spectrum Assignment Game, FSAG),以最大化最小使用者傳輸速率(User Data Rate),來解決此一問題。分散式演算法的做法也符合小型基地台在蜂巢式網路中必須有自主能力(Self-Organizing)的需求,並利用賽局理論以期降低不必要的資訊交換。最後的實驗結果顯示,在少數幾回合的賽局結果,便能呈現穩定狀態,而且執行公平式頻段分配賽局後所得到的最小使用者之傳輸速率與集中式演算法所算出的結果相去不遠。
Network Capacity demand in cellular networks is explosively growing. The large Macrocells in combination with Small cells, which are named Heterogeneous Cellular Networks (HetNets), are introduced to increase network capacity. However, how to fairly assign spectrum to Small cells is neglected in HetNets. A heuristic fair spectrum assignment game (FSAG) is proposed to solve this problem by maximizing
the minimum user data rate. FSAG is a distributed and game theoretical algorithm to t the self-organizing capability of HetNets. We conduct simulations for evaluating the stable state of distributed FSAG can be achieved in few rounds even in high Small cell density scenario. Moreover, simulation results present the minimum user data rate is close to the optimal solution by centralized calculating and the minimal user data rate is never zero, which means all users never starvation, while the average user data rate among all users in the network is not sacrificed.
1 Introduction 1
2 Related Works 5
3 System Model 8
- 3.1 Network Architecture 8
- 3.2 Channel Model 9
- 3.3 Expected Average User Data Rate 10
4 Fair Spectrum Assignment Game 11
- 4.1 Game Model 11
- 4.2 Design of Utility Function 12
- 4.3 Small Cells Sub-Game 13
- 4.4 Identi cation Algorithm on Small Cells Sub-Game 14
- 4.5 An Example of FSAG 15
5 Numerical Results 20
- 5.1 Setting 20
- 5.2 Results 22
6 Discussions and Future Works 25
- 6.1 Fairness in User Number or User Demand 25
- 6.2 Power Allocation and User Association 25
7 Conclusion 27
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