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論文名稱(中文):AP1000 功率轉換系統(週邊島)之模擬與驗證
論文名稱(外文):Simulation of the Power Conversion System of AP-1000 and Model Verification
指導教授(外文):Pei, Bau-Shi
口試委員(外文):Pei, Bau-Shi
外文關鍵詞:AP1000BOP systemRELAP5Power Conversion System
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  • 點閱點閱:340
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文的目的為透過對AP1000新型壓水式電廠週邊島各部件的瞭解以及資料收集,使用RELAP5熱工水力分析軟件選取合適的功能組件建立REAL5 AP1000週邊島模擬模型。
The main purpose of this study is to establisha RELAP 1000 BOP system simulation model. This study relies on the integration and analysis of data relevant to the various components of AP 1000 pressurized water power plants. Furthermore, application of RELAP5 thermal-hydraulic analysissoftware is implemented to select the functional components that are appropriate in forging the simulation model.
Specifically, the study is organized into three steps/stages, which are summarized as follows: 1. Collecting existing AP 1000 BOP system data, which then is subjected to thorough analysis and integration. 2. Using RELAP 5 software to build the corresponding BOP components, including main steam system; moisture separator re-heater system (MSR); the main turbine system (MTS); stem bypass system (TBS);main condensate system; low pressure feed-water heating system and the main feed-water system (FWS).After establishing the RELAP5 input mode for each BOP component, connect the input modes according to the actual flowing direction of steam and feedwater; subsequently, performing comparison tests with rated power data. Thus, this stage completes the verification/validation of AP 1000 BOP simulation model running on rated power data and the validation of heat balance design data. 3. Building the power conversion boundary and finishing automatic power conversion mode. For BOP simulation models that have operated successfully on rated power, introduces different design data that vary on the operating power (90%, 75%, 50% and 40 % respectively) to construct the boundary condition for each operating condition, and to set the logical criteria for identifying a power point. Finally, completion of the AP 1000 BOP conversion system is achieved by cross-examining the developed automatic power conversion modes with heat balance design data, and by performing fine-adjustments based on theresults.
摘要 I
致謝詞 IV
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究目的與動機 1
1.2 研究內容 1
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 AP1000核電廠週邊島系統介紹 3
2.1 AP1000電廠簡介 3
2.2 AP1000電廠週邊島簡介 4
2.2.1主蒸汽輸送系統功能描述 8
2.2.2 汽水分離再熱器系統(MSR) 9
2.2.3 主汽輪機系統(MTS) 10
2.2.4汽輪機旁排系統(TBS) 11
2.2.5 冷凝器系統(CDS) 12
2.2.6低壓給水加熱系統 13
2.2.7 主給水系統(FWS) 14
第三章 二回路系統RELAP5系統模型開發與建立 16
3.1 RELAP5軟件簡介 16
3.1.1 RELAP5-RT 簡介 16
3.2 二回路系統RELAP5系統模型建立 19
3.2.1主蒸汽輸送系統RELAP5模型 19
3.2.2 MSR系統RELAP5模型 20
3.2.3 主汽輪機系統RELAP5模型 24
3.2.4 汽輪機旁排系統RELAP5模型 29
3.2.5冷凝器系統RELAP5模型 30
3.2.6 低壓給水系統RELAP5模型 32
3.2.7主給水系統RELAP5模型 37
第四章 AP1000週邊島系統模型計算驗證與整合 41
4.1模擬時序表 41
4.2模型計算驗證 42
4.2.1主蒸氣線驗證 42
4.2.2主飼水線驗證 48
4.3分析器平臺NI/CI整合 58
第五章 結論與展望 62
參考文獻 63

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【2】 Code Development Team,”RELAP5/MOD3.3 Code Manual” , Vol.1~Vol.8, NUREG/CR-5535, 2006
【3】 Design Control Document( Revision 17),Westinghouse Electric Company LLC,2008
【4】 AP1000 Appendix 5 technical Description,2008
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【7】 林志康,「AP1000 LOCA事故RELAP5分析模式建立與設計特性研究」,台電工程月刊101年6月號
【8】 殷裕浩,「AP1000大破口REALP5建模特性分析及電廠狀態參數不確定性研究」,上海交通大學機械與動力學院核能科學與工程,碩士論文,2011
【9】 非能動安全先進核電廠AP1000,原子能出版社,2008
【10】 AP1000週邊島系統與設備,國核電力規劃設計研究院,2010
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